jjv.sh: my personal URL shortener for my URL shortening needs


jjv.sh is my personal URL shortener. It stands for Johan J. Vandegriff’s short links. Here are some example short links:

How does it work, you ask? It uses caddy with some basic redirect rules:


jjv.sh, www.jjv.sh {
    redir / https://johanv.net/jjv.sh/ html
    redir /about https://johanv.net/about/ html
    redir /boggle https://games.johanv.net/boggle html
    redir /charlie https://johanv.net/gallery/charlie/ html
    redir /resume https://johanv.net/resume/ html
    redir /carl https://games.johanv.net/carl html
    redir /site https://johanv.net html
    redir /music-yt https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9MPtw9DDuDIJ5uFq6CzSEjeHLLwfEWGx html
    redir /music https://freemusicarchive.org/music/johan-vandegriff html
    redir /dressember https://dressember2021.funraise.org/fundraiser/johan-vandegriff html
    redir /lucy https://johanv.net/gallery/lucy/ html
    redir /ATinyGame https://johanv.net/ATinyGame/ html
    redir /art https://johanv.net/gallery/drawings/ html
    redir /bella https://johanv.net/gallery/bella/ html
    redir https://johanv.net/jjv.sh/ html
This site's source code is released under the MIT License.